Social-Economic Strengthening

The social programs aims at building self esteem among single mothers through providing psychosocial support in a non judgemental space to provide healing from break ups and stigmatization from communities. Social support groups of single mothers meet to share teas/lunch, stories, advice, motivation and encouragement among themselves. Social groups are guided by either counsellors, social workers or therapists and meet twice a month. Social support greatly helps single mothers to regain confidence and personal development to actively involve themselves in various activities of the the community.

Economically single mothers are greatly constrained due to being sole providers of children, high levels of unemployment in Uganda and lack of financial literacy. DSMF has taken a lead in providing skills to single mothers that can enhance self employment and financial sustainability. DSMF trains 50 single mothers craft shoe making twice a week (Tuesday & Thursday) and there are more skills in plan to teach to the single mothers which include farming, tailoring, beading, baking and cosmetology. DSMF has Savers’ club where 35 single mothers make a minimum saving every month and has plans of building it to a micro finance to help give small interest loans to single mothers to start business. The single mothers taking part in Savers’ club have improved skills in saving, budgeting and investment.